Have A Tree To Transplant? Make Sure The Move Doesn't Shock Its System

Posted on: 4 December 2015

When you purchase a tree, you have to move the tree from the place it has been calling home for a while to a new location. If not done properly, your new tree may experience shock when it is transplanted to its new location at your house. Here are a few tips to help you ensure that your new tree doesn't go through shock.

Choose A Healthy Tree

In order to reduce the risk of shock when a tree is transplanted, you need to make sure that you purchase the healthiest looking tree that you see at the nursery. Don't purchase a tree that looks like it has diseased foliage. Avoid the shortest tree of the bunch too; its growth may be stunted already. Keep an eye out for insects; excessive insects are often a sign of infestation.

Additionally, pay attention to how the tree looks from top to bottom. Avoid purchasing any trees that have broken limbs, nicks or cuts on the branches or trunk, or have tattered or sagging leaves. These trees are not in the best health and may already be experiencing some level of shock.

Check The Roots

Next, you need to check the roots. If the tree is inside of a container, hold the tree near the base and shake it a little, then pull up. If it is difficult to pull the tree out, or if the dirt starts to come out in one solid lump, that is a good sign that the tree has been grown in a container and has a strong root system.

If the tree just pulls out of the container, leaving all the dirt behind it, that tree doesn't have a solid enough root system to survive being transplanted.

Don't Over Fertilize

After you take the tree home and plant it, don't get too zealous with the fertilizer. You don't need to add tons and tons of fertilizer to your tree during its first year at your house. If you fertilize your tree too much, it will be forced to grow before it has an established root system, which could compromise the health of the tree down the road.

When you do fertilize your tree, stick to root boosters. During the first year, your new tree news to focus on growing its roots, which root boosters will assist with. The time for vertical growth is after it has established its roots.

Avoid shocking your new tree by choosing the healthiest one of the batch with solid roots. Once you get it home, don't worry about vertical growth. Support its health by giving it root boosters and plenty of water. If you implement these three steps, you should be able to avoid shocking your new tree when you transplant it. For more information, contact companies like Tree Smart Inc. 


Keeping Your Trees Healthy

About a year ago, I realized that our front trees were starting to look a little funny. Some of the leaves were wilted, but we weren't anywhere near autumn. The bark on the trunk also seemed to be rotting away, which was frustrating and disappointing. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me to call a professional arborist for help. He came out, inspected the trees, and injected some special pesticides into the trunk. Within a few months, they started to look a lot better. Our arborist also trimmed our trees to reduce the weight load on the branches and to improve their shape. Check out this blog for information about tree trimming.