Why Isn't Your Apple Tree Producing A Lot Of Apples?
Posted on: 5 April 2016
If you have an apple tree in your backyard, then you probably look forward to a delicious harvest of apples each year. But what if your apple tree is only producing a few apples? What's causing this low production, and what can you do about it? Here's a look at a few possibilities.
Your apple tree does not have a good pollinating partner.
Most apple trees are not self-pollinating. This means that they need another apple tree, of a different variety, nearby to pollinate them. If your tree is the only one in your yard, you might only get a few apples because only a little pollen from trees down the road or in the next town actually ends up being transferred to your tree by the bees. Planting a second apple tree will help fix this problem. If you know what variety of apple tree you have, ask your local garden center what variety would be good to plant alongside it to ensure the most effective pollination.
Your tree is not being pruned properly.
Apple trees need to be pruned every spring for a few reasons. First, pruning reduces the number of branches the tree has to support, so those that are left behind grow stronger and are better able to grow fruit. Second, pruning ensures air can easily flow between the branches, making it easier for the blossoms to be pollinated. If your tree has not been pruned in a while, hiring a tree care professional to come give it a good trim in late winter should help boost your apple production.
Your apple tree needs fertilizing.
Each year, the apple tree will deplete more nutrients from the soil. If you never replenish these nutrients, the tree's apple production may decrease over time. Purchase a basic, 10-10-10 fertilizer from your local garden store. Prepare it according to the instructions on the package, and then pour it in a wide circle extending out from the base of the tree. This way, it will actually come into contact with the tree's roots. Then, remember to fertilize the tree each spring going forward.
If you have your tree trimmed, fertilize it well, and plant a second tree and still find that it's not producing a lot of apples, it could be that the variety of apple tree you have is not very well suited to the climate in your area. A landscaping expert should be able to recommend a variety of tree that will have better productivity. Different varieties have different requirements when it comes to soil moisture levels, shade, and temperature. For more information and tips, contact a local arborist with a company like Troyer Tree Service Inc.