Two Tips For Getting Your Lawn Ready For Spring And Summer

Posted on: 22 March 2018

After a brutal winter, your lawn will need some TLC if you want it to look great for spring and summer entertainment. If you're like most people, though, there are so many things that need to be done, you probably don't know where to start. Here are two things you should do right now that will get your lawn on the road to healthy recovery.

Clean and Prepare

One of the first things you can start doing—especially when you're not sure what you should be doing—is to clean up your yard. Remove any leaves, acorns, dead grass, and other items that were left over from fall from the lawn and plant beds. Additionally, pick up any animal waste that may have found its way into your yard from your neighbors' or stray dogs and cats in the area. Be sure to also remove any existing mulch so you can place new plants. Toss everything (except the animal waste) into a compost bin to generate fertilizer for your lawn care needs.

Now that everything is clean, decide where you want to have your plants and take this opportunity to place or move them. The fall is generally the best time to relocate plants, but you can do this at the beginning of spring as long as the plants haven't started growing in any significant way. Once you have everything where you want it, fertilize them according to their specific needs to give them the best start possible.

Inspect and Remove Damage

The second thing you should do is inspect your trees and bushes for damage and remove the dead—or dying—parts. This will prevent the plants from expending energy trying to revive non-viable limbs, which will make them healthier in the long run. It's also a good idea to look for sign of squirrels and other small rodents that may be living in or munching on the foliage, because this may indicate future issues to watch out for. For instance, squirrels living in the trees may find their way into your attic, so you'll want to keep an eye on them.

After removing damaged plants and plant parts, put down a layer of fresh mulch around the trees, bushes, and plant beds. The mulch will help the soil retain moisture as well as protect the ground from the damaging effects of the sun's rays.

For more tips on preparing your lawn for spring and summer or assistance getting your yard in shape, contact a landscape maintenance expert.


Keeping Your Trees Healthy

About a year ago, I realized that our front trees were starting to look a little funny. Some of the leaves were wilted, but we weren't anywhere near autumn. The bark on the trunk also seemed to be rotting away, which was frustrating and disappointing. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me to call a professional arborist for help. He came out, inspected the trees, and injected some special pesticides into the trunk. Within a few months, they started to look a lot better. Our arborist also trimmed our trees to reduce the weight load on the branches and to improve their shape. Check out this blog for information about tree trimming.