A Guide To Pruning Weeping Willow Trees

Posted on: 27 October 2015

Weeping willow trees are known for their long, exotic tendrils that dance in the breeze and provide a canopy of shade in the summer. In order to keep these trees looking beautiful, it is essential that you give them the proper care. Willows are fairly low-maintenance, but regular pruning is recommended. Here's a look at why pruning is so important, and how to go about it in both younger and established trees.
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I See The Light: Protecting Your Garden And Home After Removing A Tree

Posted on: 27 October 2015

If you have to remove a tree in your yard because it's so diseased or damaged that it can't be saved, schedule a time to walk through your yard and the part of your home next to the yard. You need to identify all the potential ways in which removing that tree -- and thus letting more sunlight hit that part of your home and yard -- will affect your property.
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3 Big Clues There's A Problem With Your Tree

Posted on: 26 October 2015

It's never a good feeling to realize that you might have to drastically trim a tree or even remove it entirely. The thing is, how do you know for sure that you are truly at that point? You can contact a tree expert right away, but until one arrives, there are some things that you can look at for yourself to determine whether you're facing a potential issue. Sections of the Tree Are Bare
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Drought Got You Worried About Your Trees? 3 Simple Ways To Get Them The Water They Need

Posted on: 23 October 2015

If you live in a region affected by drought, you're probably facing water restrictions. If that's the case, your landscaping may be suffering from the drought, as well. You might have decided to replace your grass with drought-resistant landscaping such as gravel and bark. However, how do you take care of your trees during the drought? Instead of watching your trees die from lack of water, here are three simple ways to help keep them hydrated during the drought.
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