
  • Property Look Bare? Plant Some Low-Maintenance Trees

    If your property is bare, one of the best ways to help with this is by planting trees. Once a tree is planted, it can last for decades. Because of this, you need to be careful in the type of trees you choose. Below are three good choices of low-maintenance trees you may prefer. Amur Maple The Amur maple tree comes from the Acer ginnala family and has dark green leaves that change to a beautiful red color in the fall.
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  • Why Isn't Your Apple Tree Producing A Lot Of Apples?

    If you have an apple tree in your backyard, then you probably look forward to a delicious harvest of apples each year. But what if your apple tree is only producing a few apples? What's causing this low production, and what can you do about it? Here's a look at a few possibilities. Your apple tree does not have a good pollinating partner. Most apple trees are not self-pollinating. This means that they need another apple tree, of a different variety, nearby to pollinate them.
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  • Planting A New Tree In Your Yard? Tips For Planting And Pruning It

    Trees in a yard can be beneficial, as they provide you with shade, and can also add to the beauty of your landscaping. If you have plans to plant a new tree in your yard, you need to learn a few things before you purchase it, such as planting and pruning them. Keep reading and your young tree will grow to be beautiful, healthy, and strong. Watch Out for the Roots
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  • Three Ways To Approach Your Stump Removal Safely

    Renting a stump grinder is an ideal way to deal with the unsightly tree stumps left in your yard after you've cut down some trees. Given the risks of using this machine with its rapidly spinning cutting bit and the danger of wood flying off the stump at a high rate of speed, it's important to always make your safety a priority. Here are three important tactics that you can use to keep safe.
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  • Owning Bigtooth Aspens: Diseases, Insects, And How A Tree Service Can Help

    If your yard has difficult soil that is rich in sand or clay, you might have problems finding trees that can add greenery and shade and thrive in such growing conditions. One possible contender for your yard is the bigtooth aspen, which is a smaller, more yellow-toned tree than more commonly known aspen varieties. The bigtooth's real showstopper is its namesake: glossy green leaves with jagged edges that resemble teeth.
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  • Step-By-Step Tree Removal

    If you have a dying or dead tree you want to remove, you may be able to take it down yourself. Larger trees should only be removed by a professional, but when it comes to smaller sized trees, removing them yourself is simple. Here are some steps to help you easily and safely take a tree down on your property. Before You Begin Before beginning the process of felling a tree, you need to look around and make sure there aren't any items in the way, like overhead wires, a fence, your garden, or a car.
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  • Have A Tree To Transplant? Make Sure The Move Doesn't Shock Its System

    When you purchase a tree, you have to move the tree from the place it has been calling home for a while to a new location. If not done properly, your new tree may experience shock when it is transplanted to its new location at your house. Here are a few tips to help you ensure that your new tree doesn't go through shock. Choose A Healthy Tree In order to reduce the risk of shock when a tree is transplanted, you need to make sure that you purchase the healthiest looking tree that you see at the nursery.
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  • Two Reasons Why It's So Important To Have Regular Tree Service

    Whether you have one tree on your property, or something that appears akin to a forest, there's no doubt that trees can help make your home look even better.  Depending upon the height of the trees, you may take a set of garden shears to them periodically in order to keep them nicely trimmed.  However, you may want to begin investing in professional tree service.  Learning more about the importance of having regular tree service can help you determine if you should contact one of these companies right away.
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  • Three Ways To Prevent Fungal Infections In Fruit Trees

    There are numerous fungal infections that can harm your fruit tree and your fruit crop. From brown rot, which leaves fruit rotten and inedible, to powdery mildew disease, which causes fuzzy patches on the fruit's skin, these diseases are quite undesirable. Thankfully, if you take the three following steps, you can greatly reduce your trees' risk of contracting one of these fungal infections. Prune your tree every spring. The denser your tree's branches, the longer it stays moist after a rain storm.
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  • 3 Tree Diseases That Target Fir Trees – And How To Prevent Damage

    Fir trees have become a staple in holiday decorations but look as attractive in your yard as lit up inside the home. The distinctive green needs give a fir tree a voluminous look that can quickly fall aside if a tree disease takes hold. Keep your fir looking full and healthy with regular maintenance and checking for symptoms of tree diseases. Call in a tree services company for assistance when necessary.
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